[VN] おっぱいカフェ ~母娘でコスちち~ / Oppai Cafe ~Oyako de Cos Chichi~ (Ammolite / アンモライト)

2017-08-11 12:18 UTC
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537.0 MiB
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[![](http://www.pixsense.net/themes/latest/ssd/small/1069/small-Oppai1-1.jpg)](http://www.pixsense.net/site/v/2599116#1069&2599116) [![](http://www.pixsense.net/themes/latest/ssd/small/1069/small-Oppai2-1.jpg)](http://www.pixsense.net/site/v/2599118#1069&2599118) [![](http://r01.imgrock.co/i/00252/xzrdqrvh3ylr_t.jpg)](http://imgrock.co/xzrdqrvh3ylr/Oppai3.jpg.html) [![](http://io1.imgoutlet.co/i/00403/uiyuhg4kl5n2_t.jpg)](http://imgoutlet.co/uiyuhg4kl5n2/Oppai4.jpg.html) [![](https://imgtaxi.com/images/small/2017/08/11/598d9fe7a7a98.jpg)](https://imgtaxi.com/img-598d9fe7a7ad2.html) [![](https://imgdrive.net/images/small/2017/08/11/598d9fec515fe.jpg)](https://imgdrive.net/img-598d9fec51638.html) [![](https://imgadult.com/upload/small/2017/08/11/598d9ff17f659.jpg)](https://imgadult.com/img-598d9ff17f693.html) [![](https://imgwallet.com/images/small/2017/08/11/598d9ff6f3f24.jpg)](https://imgwallet.com/img-598d9ff6f3f5e.html) [![](http://dimtus.com/upload/small/2017/08/11/598da0436a625.jpg)](http://dimtus.com/img-598da0436a65d.html) [![](http://imgstudio.org/upload/small/2017/08/11/598da05393575.jpg)](http://imgstudio.org/img-598da053935af.html) [![](http://damimage.com/upload/small/2017/08/11/598da05fb705e.jpg)](http://damimage.com/img-598da05fb7097.html) 「……店の経営、良くないな。 良くないというより まずいだろ、これは」 父さんは家族経営している喫茶店の帳簿をめくりながら、ため息をつく。 客が減っている原因は、最近 近くにメイド喫茶ができて客をとられているからだ。 「つまり、うちの店も対抗してコスプレすればいいってことだ」 こともなげに言い放つ父さんの手には、コスプレらしき衣装…… 実にきわどい衣装の数々が、家族一同の前にバンバンと広げられていく。 「そうねぇ、経営努力のためにはそういう格好するのも仕方ない……わよねぇ……」 母さんは おっとり天然系で、ある意味物事に動じないタイプだ。 かなり強引で突拍子のないところがある父さんと結婚しているわけだから、 こんなトンデモ提案でもそれなりに受け入れることができるのか。 「あ……だ、ダメ、嫌…… 無理、ぜ、絶対無理……!!」 顔を真っ赤にしてぶんぶんと首を振り、妹の紗良は部屋を飛び出していった。 そりゃ、なあ…… これ着て店に出ろだなんて、あいつにとっちゃ罰ゲームどころか拷問だ。 「……というわけだ、和希。 母さんと紗良、ふたりをよろしく頼んだぞ」 紗良に続いて父さんも部屋を出ていったから、この日はこれでお開きとなった。 そして翌日から、紗良は以前と同じように、母さんは父さん推薦の新衣装に着替えて店に出ることとなったのである。 _______________________________________________________________ "...... Store management is not good, rather than bad, rather than bad, this is what" Dad sighs while turning over the book of a family-run coffee shop. The cause of the drop in customers is that they have been taking guests since they have made maid cafes recently. "That means that our shop must also compete and cosplay it." In the hands of his father who releases it by chance, it is a cosplay costume ...... Very bare costumes are spreading out with the bang bang in front of families. "Well, for the sake of management efforts, I can not help looking at that kind of thing ... ... Wow ..." My mother is a type that is natural and does not affect things in a way. Because I am married to a father who is quite aggressive and there is a crazy place, Can we accept such suggestions as a matter of course? "Ah ... ... it's useless, disgusting .... impossible, absolutely impossible ... ...!" My face turned red and I shook my head and my younger sister Shigeru jumped out of the room. Oh yeah ...... I wear this and went to the store, it's torture to him, not to say punishment games. "... ... That's why, Kazuki. Mother and Sara, I have asked for their best regards." Following Sara, father also left the room, so this day it was the opening of the day. And from the next day, Sara had to change to a father's recommended new costume and go to the shop just as before.

File list

  • Oppai Cafe
    • Bonus
      • amml-015_chirashi.bmp (24.9 MiB)
      • amml-015_chirashi.jpg (4.7 MiB)
      • amml-015_chirashi.pdf (4.8 MiB)
    • AMML-015.ISO (502.6 MiB)
    • AMML-015.MDS (4.2 KiB)