[Manga Library Z is closing November 26th](https://archive.is/n4eD3) after becoming ~~[the latest](https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/news/index.php?news_id=914)~~ another in a [string of](https://info.eisys.co.jp/dlsite/69dd17c1c4b21c06?locale=en_US) [Japanese](https://spotlight.fantia.jp/news/240521_payment_method?locale=en) [content](https://ecs.toranoana.jp/ec/app/law/oshirase/#20240809-815D85B9A) [platforms](https://denpasoft.com/official-statement-regarding-removal-of-products-from-site/) [strongarmed](https://blog.nicovideo.jp/niconews/207309.html) by [American credit card companies](https://www.institutionalinvestor.com/article/2bswuu1nfc040ho7ghudc/culture/bill-ackman-sent-a-text-to-the-ceo-of-mastercard-what-happened-next-is-a-parable-for-esg). Only sending goatse to @BillAckman on Twitter can right this wrong.
On a whim, I decided it might be a good idea to make the platform's content more easily available to any would-be archivists.
- *should* include all content freely accessible in their web reader
- **does not** include any of the PDFs offered on the site, free or otherwise
- "organized" as `mangaz/subdomain/[series_id] series_title/[book_id] book_title.cbz/p0000.png`
- pages are PNG to avoid introducing additional compression artifacts after unscrambling (optimized with oxipng)
- 64MiB piece size, 2.2.1ers need not apply.
Content from the www subdomain can be found on nyaa.
Thanks to my friend who doesn't even read manga but generously donated time, bandwidth, and processing power to speed this up.
Intimidated by my size? Not a fan of my shape, perhaps? Feel free to forward any complaints to [my secretary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoMuQ_mcgOU) or share a better dump yourself.
I don't plan to keep the content for more than a few weeks, so grab it while you can if it's something you want to preserve. Otherwise you're relying on the good will and autism of other nyaa users to keep it available. Good luck.
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