[Alicesoft] Dohna Dohna ~Let's Do Bad Things Together~ [ENGLISH]

2021-10-29 01:41 UTC
No information.
File size:
3.2 GiB
Info hash:
RUN EXE IN JAPANESE LOCALE (ADMIN) RUN EXE IN JAPANESE LOCALE (ADMIN) DON'T RUN THE GAME WHILE YOU'RE STILL SEEDING THOSE FILES. If you're having trouble with Japanese locale stuff try using LEProc. If you're having save game problems uncheck read-only on the config and save folders if for some reason it's still a problem. ~ Let’s Do Bad Things Together~ Young punks in a rotten city A corporate castle town whose citizens' entire lives are run by the company, from birth through to death. In this town, gangs of "bad kids" lash out against their corporate-ordained lives, shooting up officials and hustling girls in the streets. Crashing recklessly through the barriers of both ethics and rules, though, they see things that they're not supposed to. What's really the worst thing happening in this city? Turn your ill-gotten profits into combat power in this pimpin' RPG! System Requirements OS: Windows:8/10 DirectX 11 or higher CPU: Core i3 or higher Memory: 2GB Sound: WAVE, Direct Sound-compatible sound card Display: 1280x720 FullColor Graphics: Pixel shader 2.0 or higher VRAM: 256MB or higher ![cover](https://i.imgur.com/xQ4whLc.jpg).

File list

  • DohnaDohna
    • Bonus
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    • Movie
      • Op.apeg (189.7 MiB)
    • SaveData
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      • AFCGMode.asd (242 Bytes)
      • Collection.asd (267 Bytes)
      • CommonSystemData.sav (50 Bytes)
      • MouseCursorSetting.sav (20 Bytes)
      • MsgSkip.msk (7.3 KiB)
      • ShowDPSetting.sav (12 Bytes)
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      • lm_gui_config.json (3.7 KiB)
    • AliceStart.ini (396 Bytes)
    • OpenSaveFolder.exe (137.0 KiB)
    • ResetConfig.exe (141.0 KiB)
    • Version.txt (4 Bytes)
    • dbdata.dll (9.2 MiB)
    • dohnadohna.ain (4.3 MiB)
    • dohnadohna.exe (4.8 MiB)
    • dohnadohnaCG.afa (1.5 GiB)
    • dohnadohnaEx.ex (888.1 KiB)
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    • dohnadohnaPact.afa (614.8 KiB)
    • dohnadohnaSound.afa (128.8 MiB)
    • dohnadohnaVoice.afa (1.2 GiB)
thanks for the upload! how does this work? did you just swap in the denuvo .exe with the japanese .exe and it just automagically werks?
According to the guy on /v/, that's exactly what he did
if you really want more Alicesoft games to get localized i would request you to buy this game if you can afford it. Alot of money is spent on localizing these games. if publishers dont see results then they will stop localizing altogether. Its Sad to see Piracy ruin an already Niche VN market.
I literally can't buy off their site due to how stupid it is lmao
@Wildbreed i would actually buy a copy of this but i'm seriously gated by the DRM. people did say that compared to "western" DRM, this is one of their crappier versions of denuvo so they just phone home at the start and your copy is all good, but i just don't feel all that good with denuvo. pretty ironic that DRM made me pirate instead of made me avoid pirating. also i'd rather not deal with johren. if you really want to support AS (aside from buying the original nip games), the best way to do it NOW is to buy a copy of Evenicle on GOG, because you're not only supporting AS, you're also supporting DRM-free releases. @junk123456 also i agree with this, i was waiting and refreshing at their site at the exact time of release and they're not making it easy to search AND buy the game. even AS_en's twitter and shiravune's twitter and webpage don't even have a link to the game's storefront. i don't know if things changed at the time of release but they're not really doing a good job of promoting this game. and there's also shiravune's boss dodging the question on whether there will but cut content or not.
@velvet-kiss You can Buy the VN and use the JP exe from here or the cracked exe for other VNs if you dont fancy their DRM. I do this alot. Also Shiravune twitter handle has tweeted that there will be no cut content for this. Check properly. they have tweeted about this release multiple times and there are even articles mentioning this on various VN news channels. I already own 2 copies of Evenicle. Buying Multiple copies of Old games whose sales figures have already been logged wont change anything.. its the new releases that matter .. anyways its upto you guys in the end. If you want this to continue buy the new releases or this is not gonna last long . Short term Enjoyment or Long term consistent releases you get to decide
@Wildbreed - I'll only buy eroge if it's uncensored, ie like Eiyuu Senki. I don't care what your excuse is, if they can do it anyone else can too.
Not supporting DRM and mosaic censorship so will not buy. Thanks for the upload.
@Jiur @HeepVexing - Pirate away, no one's gonna stop you, but I also can't wait until you two discover what Japanese laws are and how this game was made by a Japanese company. If you actually expected this to be uncensored, you're delusional.
@Minamisawa I didn't expect it uncensored the moment I saw Shiravune make the announcement and I know Japanese law, which is why I have been wary of Alicesoft publishing the localizations themselves and Shiravune continuing to localize these games.
I really like how people say if you like it purchase it but NOBODY fucking posts a single link to the publisher of the game.. If you want to tell people to purchase it provide a damn link to the sales site.
Lmao virtue signalling on a fucking piracy website. Y'all really don't have better shit to do, huh? 1) The DRM is fucking broken as shit 2) Their site is double charging people. You want people to pay for bad service while going "Just pay for it then pirate and use the Japanese exe hurr durr"? Fucking delusional mate. Not our fucking fault AliceSoft and Johren can't get their shit together.
https://www.johren.games/games/download/dohna-dohna-en/ here's the official buy link smhsmh
@09eragera09 Only amerifats have issues with payment since they are too retarded to set up 2FA authentication with phone number and their bank. I got Dohna with coins bough on discounts for less than $20. Johren's Dohna doesn't have Denuvo and you can just bypass their basic shit drm with jap exe and play drm free.
This is the official translation of Shiravune?
@voath my bad, can't edit my comment now but they didn't use denuvo this time around. @Ingir999 yeah, pretty fast translation. apparently it's pretty good, not perfect cause there are some still some grammatical errors, but pretty good all things considered.
Another good way to support is of course to buy some merch. This game has some pretty top merch.
"top merch" doesn't even do it justice. it's godlike. they sell official onaholes for each girl, get them for the full experience
@Minamisawa - I know what the law is, I'm just saying if Eiyuu Senki can get a uncensored release, why can't everything else?
@Jiur Because JAST published Eiyuu Senki's English release on PC and they are based in America so they don't have to abide by Japanese law on censorship. Shiravune and Alicesoft are Japanese companies so they can't unless they can go through a middleman or third-party. Such as Alicesoft and MangaGamer's relationship as MangaGamer can also release their games without mosaic censorship.
@HeepVexing which that guy personally doesnt give a damn. They should and could go through third party if alternative is mosaics. Mosaics are already stupid enough in japan, having that in the west too makes it even worse. This is why i unironically increase my reading priority for Jast releases.
I tried to buy the game but fucking Johren makes it such a pain in the ass to give money to them. Wish it was on Dlsite or Fakku or something sane instead, oh well. Getting frustrated over giving a company money is ridiculous, so maybe they'll get it if it ever goes on sell somewhere else.
I may buy it if it was released by Kagura Games or Manga Gamer or other company that don't release game with mosaic but I'm not gonna abide to stupid Japanse law. I would rather see less game localized in English than have every Japanese game released with mosaic.
Keep getting an error where "AFCGMode.asd" stops working
Run the game with the Locale Emulator or change the region to Japan on the computer. If the windows still appear, delete everything in the "SaveData" folder. Right click to "SaveData" folder -> Properties -> uncheck Read-only in Attributes. Hope this helps ^^
@muab0m15 thank you so much! That fixed it, you're my hero!
So anybody know if this was censored in any way (not the mosaics)? As in like what they did in eiyuu senki by removing character cgs, megasuki where they light rayed the shota, or changing rape lines to consensual sex in magicami?
It sounds great to pay them for the localization and then tell them that you still use the cracked copy because you hate DRM. Official localized version sale site. https://www.johren.games/games/download/dohna-dohna-en/ This is the first game with loli content which Johren is selling. I hope it won't be the last.
Unless they sell it on Steam, MangaGamer, Denpasoft or some other site and you buy it from there, that is a different story, but buying from Johren tells them you are can tolerate or are fine with DRM. They don't care if you cracked it, they still got your money.
Does anyone have a 100% save or the uncensored patch?
@veto20 Uncensor patch does not exist.
@animeme Holy crap can you please give me the merch link? I'm interested
https://www.jlist.com/tmt1466 https://www.jlist.com/tmt1465 https://www.jlist.com/tmt1467 https://www.jlist.com/tmt1468 https://www.jlist.com/tmt1469 https://www.jlist.com/tmt1470
I require assistance please I try the game, open normally But it crashed when I start new game
@namv22 Download LEProc (from GitHub) as suggested.
@gaaraomega I am using it, but it keeps crashing, so I just went and buy the game instead. thanks for your support tho
crazies talking about jp law and stuff assuming people are stupid who don’t even know~ telling people to buy or whatever faks like some sjw defending them whatever~ talking all the justice kind of stuff on a pirate site? laughable. why are you people here in the first place. really
oh please note that im just passing by~ trying to trash talk back at me doesn’t affect my mood~i’m used to it. if y’all mad go on then, ain’t my prob :) that’ll hurt y’all self but not me~
Hey guys, need some help here, it keeps crashing once the clap starts in the first chapter. I have both variations of the locale change working, so idk what to do
It's running perfect on my PC! Thanks for sharing!!! will seed for a few weeks.
works perfectly will seed for a while
New text improvement patch: https://twitter.com/shiravune/status/1629739716512997377 Uncensored Complete CGI here: https://e-hentai.org/?f_cats=1007&f_search=Dohna+Dohna Thanks for the share!!
Just finished this no problem found to the end Such a fun gameplay the balance between dialogue gameplay and H scenes is just right a fine game indeed